Whiz Partners Inc.

Fund Information

We introduce you the funds which are founded after 2010, Whiz Partners started to operate as an independent investment company.

Healthcare New Platform Fund Investment LP

The Healthcare New Platform fund serves as a booster fund for the Drug Discovery Gateway Fund Investment Limited Partnership, employing a hedging strategy through investment in Axcelead Inc. (hereafter referred to as “Axcelead”), which is nearing an IPO. In addition, the fund targets upside potential by investing in Axcelead Group companies, including ARCALIS Inc., which operates a GMP-compliant integrated mRNA pharmaceutical CDMO business, and IP Gaia Inc., which focuses on intellectual property acquisition and out-licensing for new pharmaceuticals.

Portfolio Companies
  • Axcelead
  • IP Gaia
  • A-Digital

Whiz AIoT Evolution Fund Investment LP

Whiz AIoT Evolution Fund focuses on listed SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), which can be expected to grow further by offering our digital transformation knowledge and AI technologies. We provide new money through convertible bond and warrant structure, and a full hands-on support to maximize the growth potential and corporate value of such firms.

Portfolio Companies
  • D. Western Therapeutics Institute, Inc.
  • TRaaS On Product
  • SHANON Inc.

Drug Discovery Gateway Fund Investment LP

The Drug Discovery Gateway Fund is a fund mainly focusing on its investment to Axcelead, Inc (“Axcelead”). Under the jurisdiction of Axcelead, Axcelead Drug Discovery Partners, Inc (“ADDP”), a spin-off company from Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., have developed a drug discovery platform business for most of Japanese pharmaceutical companies. The Axcelead Group is expanding its drug discovery platform, including medical devices, contract development and manufacturing business (CDMO) for a new drug modality, and drug discovery technology utilized artificial intelligence.

Portfolio Companies

Whiz Asia Evolution Fund

There are numerous firms in Japan with wondrous technologies and services that draw in the world. We established the Whiz Asia Evolution Fund to maximize the growth potential and corporate value of such firms by connecting them to the growing Asian markets through our domestic and overseas network.

Portfolio Companies

THE KENKO FUTURE Limited Partnership

In addition to the bio-venture firms that were the investment targets for the first fund, the Partnership shall expand the investment universe to include private and publicly traded healthcare firms and healthcare divisions of publicly traded firms. The General Partner shall maximize equity value of the portfolio firms through management support thereby contributing to society by ‘increasing competitive advantage and stimulating the entirety of the rapidly transforming Japanese Healthcare industry.’
We succeeded, and we consider ourselves fully prepared to leverage our legacy strength in life sciences and capture the investment opportunities in the wider field of healthcare through The Kenko Future Fund.

Portfolio Companies

Whiz HealthCare Japan 2.0 Limited Partnership

As the era of blockbuster pharmaceuticals enters its twilight, healthcare faces a period of significant change. A new chapter is opening, and the best professionals will shift about before settling into their new homes. Japan was never known for globally dominant healthcare companies, but if we take this opportunity and focus People, Capital, and Knowledge, on the “right” firms, we may witness the birth of a Japanese firm who can shoulder the growth of tomorrow’s healthcare.
Japan leads the world as an aging country, and medical services and products that are competitive in Japan can compete anywhere in the world. If we can create an ecosystem to effectively harness Japan’s innovating capacity, we believe we can transform Japan to become a major Exporter of Wellness’ in the world economy.

Portfolio Companies

Whiz Healthcare PE 1 Limited Partnership

HealthCare – a high value creating industry, critical for the future of Japan. Public bio-venture firms play a crucial role in this industry, but we notice most bio-ventures lack the deep pockets necessary to last through the development costs. We believed that providing the necessary financing would enable such firms with innovative technology to flourish. We pursued our belief by establishing the Whiz HealthCare PE Series 1 fund, hoping to stimulate the Japanese bio-venture industry.

Portfolio Companies

*Investment management of this Fund is delegated to Whiz Partners, but Whiz Partners has not engaged in any offering and any dealing in the offering of the Fund.





